Course Syllabus


The teacher candidate will learn and practice the principles of teaching used by successful educators that have been identified in the Danielson Framework for Teaching. These principles include the following:

  • Lesson planning.
  • Development of supportive classroom culture.
  • Use of formative and summative assessment.
  • Evidence-based teaching methods.
  • Classroom management.
  • Instructional technology to engage students in learning.

This course involves large amounts of reading and tutorial videos and is designed to meet the BYU-Idaho expectation that students spend three to four hours each week for every credit, so 9–12 hours will be required each week for this course. If students are unable to commit to the time demands this semester, they should consider taking this course when they have the time necessary for the workload.

Program Message 

This course is part of a required core of courses for Education majors. It helps teacher candidates develop essential knowledge and skills in classroom management, lesson planning, the development of supportive classroom culture, classroom assessment, and evidence-based instruction. 

Please note that this course requires a lot of work and is difficult for many students who have not been exposed to these skills and ideas before. However, the principles taught in ED 361 are necessary in order to prepare students for several of the courses they will take later in completing their degree. If students will take advantage of the resources in the course that are designed to help, and put in their best effort, students will find they are much better prepared for several later courses. 



There are no prerequisites for this course. However, many freshmen find this class rigorous. If students are in their first year of college, they may find it hard to do well because they do not yet have the necessary skills typically acquired during the first few semesters. Several semesters of data support this fact. (College work is very different from high school.) Students are strongly encouraged to wait to take this course until they are sophomores or upperclassmen. Data suggest students will probably get more out of the class (and do better) if they wait.

Required Resources

This course uses various resources available to students for free through links to the library. They are listed in the table below. All necessary resources can be accessed from within the assignments. There is no need to purchase a textbook for this course. 

Resource Title and Description
(all resources are available through the course) 
Author or Provider Ed. and Vol. 13-Digit ISBN (if applicable) 
New Art and Science of Teaching Marzano, Robert J.



Discipline in the Secondary Classroom Sprick, Randall S. N/A
Classroom Instruction that Works Dean, C. B., & Marzano, R. J. 1st N/A
Visible Learning for Teachers Hattie, J. N/A
Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement Hattie, J. N/A

Other Required Resources and Applications

  • Google Chrome and Google account (free)
  • Proctorio (free Chrome extension)
  • Zoom (free)
  • Loom (free)


This course will use an online proctoring software called Proctorio to accommodate University requirements for student validation. This makes it possible for students to validate their identity without a human proctor being present. ED 361 will verify student credentials in W02 and W09 with a quiz where students will be asked to show their ID and agree to be honest in the course. These recordings can be made available should questions about student validation arise.

For step-by-step instructions on Proctorio installation, please refer to this help guide article.


Course Outcomes (CO) 

The Idaho Core Teacher Standards are developed and approved by the State Board of Education and articulate what a teacher in the content area must know and be able to do in order to be recommended to the state for initial certification. Read a full description of each standard on this Standards page

The teacher candidate will do the following:

  1. Plan and prepare lessons using appropriate pedagogy, outcomes, and assessments for their content area or grade level.
    • Standards: 1.b; 2.a.; 3.a; 7.a; 7.b; 7.d; 7.h; 7.i.; 7.i; 7.j; 7.k.; 7.n; 9.h; LIT K2(b); LIT K2(d); LIT K2(e); LIT P2(h); TECH 1.b, 3.g. 4.c, 4.j. 5.o, 6.a, 6.b, 6.c, 6.e, 6.f, 6.g, 6.i, 6.j, 6.s, 6.u, 8.d
  2. Examine how to establish a culture of learning by using the following tools: classroom management, respect, rapport, and environment.
    • Standards: 3.b; 3.c; 3.e; 3.i; 3.j; 3.p; 3.r; 8e 
  3. Demonstrate how to use various forms of summative and formative assessment to engage students in learning and to guide future instruction.
  4. Explore evidence-based teaching methods, skills, and techniques to engage students in learning as well as allow flexibility in instruction.
    • Standards: 2Ka, 2Kb, 2Ph, 3Ka, 3Kg, 3Do, 3Dq 3Dr, 4Kb, 4Pl, 5Kb, 5Kd, 5Ke, 5Kf, 5Kg, 5Dq, 5Dr, 6Kc, 6Kd, 6Ke, 6Kg, 6Pm, 6Po, 6Pq, 7Ke, 7Kf, 7Pm, 8Kc, 8Kd, 8Ke, 8Dr, 9Ph, L2Kb, L2Kd, L2Ke, L2Ph, L4Pk, T1a, T1b
  5. Identify the full range of additional responsibilities for a professional teacher.
    • Standards: 3Dr, 4Kc, 6Ph, 6Ds, 9Ka, 9Kb, 9Ke, 9Kf, 9Ds, 10Kb, 10Kc, 10Kd, T1d, T3b 

Course Content Overview 

You, as a teacher candidate, will be learning many new skills dealing with the principles of teaching, assessment and classroom management. Below are national standards and expectations for teachers. This course will help you become proficient in the three areas of competency below. 

(P) The teacher candidate is able to locate and use appropriate content standards in the planning of curriculum and instruction. (7.a)
(P) The teacher candidate knows a range of evidence-based instructional strategies, resources, and technological tools and how to use them effectively to plan instruction. (7.e)
(A) The teacher candidate knows how to design, adapt, and select appropriate assessments to address specific needs and to adjust plans based on learner responses and assessment information. (6.b; 6.c; 7.f; 9.b)
(A) The teacher candidate knows the differences between formative and summative assessment and how to make accommodations for students with specific needs, learning or language challenges. (6.a, 6.g)
(PR) Select appropriate strategies and procedures to effectively and ethically engage with students,
families, administrators, and other stakeholders in support of the education of diverse learners.
(A) The teacher candidate knows a variety of strategies for communicating positive, descriptive feedback to learners and understands the impact of descriptive feedback on learners. (6.e)
(C) The teacher candidate knows and understands the relationships between motivation and engagement. (3.a)
(A) The teacher candidate understands how to help learners monitor their own growth by using data from multiple methods of assessment. (6d)
(E) The teacher candidate is familiar with a variety of human resources available to help engage students. (8.e)
(E) The teacher candidate knows how to use a variety of technological resources to engage students and guide them in appropriate, safe, and effective use of instructional technology. (3.e)
(P, C, A, I, E, PR) The teacher candidate recognizes the importance of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.
(C) The teacher candidate understands that learning is influenced by each student’s individual approach to learning, performance level, and cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development. (1.b) (2.a)
(A) The teacher understands the importance of using student data to inform instructional decision making. (6.c; 7.f)
(E) The teacher candidate understands the need to engage and support learners in authentic, purposeful, meaningful, critical thinking tasks (for example, decision making, exploration, invention). (8.c; 3.n; 3.p; 5.g; 5.q; 5.r; Tech1.a)
(P) Teacher candidates will demonstrate an understanding of each of the following responsibilities of professional educators (9.e; 9.f; 9.s; 10.d; 10.c; Tech 4.a):

1. Collaborating with colleagues to improve learning.
2. Planning developmentally appropriate learning experiences or assessments.
3. Engaging students in the learning process.
4. Keeping accurate records.
5. Communicating with parents, students, or colleagues appropriately.
6. Participating in additional duties for the school or district communities.
7. Understanding the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional educators and its place in supporting the integrity of the profession.
(A) The teacher candidate creates objectives with corresponding assessments aligned to content standards. (6.f; 7.a)
(P) Combined: The teacher candidate designs developmentally appropriate instruction responsive to individual student’s strengths, needs, and performance level (for example, differentiated instruction). (7.d,1.b, 2.a)
(E) The teacher candidate uses higher-level questions, cross-disciplinary skills, interdisciplinary themes, and differentiated instruction to strengthen learning experiences. (7.b; 5.c; 8.b; 5.e)
(C) The teacher candidate works to develop and design learning experiences that promote and support peer relationships and allow learners to work collaboratively to achieve learning goals. (3.b)
(P) The teacher candidate plans for instruction using strategies that promote learner self-direction and ownership of learning (for example, principles of universal design for learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, differentiated instruction). (3.a)
(E) The teacher candidate uses learning goals and strategies to foster motivation, engagement, self-direction, cooperation, and ownership of learning (for example, principles of universal design for learning and culturally responsive pedagogy). (3.a; 3.b; 3.g; 3.o; 9.h) 

For the latest updates on these standards, please visit the Idaho State Department of Education webpage.

Major Assignments

The table below is meant to help you see the relevance of each major assignment as it pertains to the course outcomes (CO).

Major Assignment Description CO#
Classroom Management Plan Students will create a classroom management plan that includes the development of caring and supportive relationships, rules, procedures, transitions, acknowledgement of student expected behavior, disciplinary interventions, and opportunities for students to contribute to the functioning of the classroom.
Use the management plan to respond to at least three different classroom management situations that occur in the scenario provided by your instructor.



Code of Ethics Assessment Students will be given a scenario describing a situation that a teacher may find themselves in. Using district policies and Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators and students will describe possible issues, violations, and responses that could be in effect.  #4
Lesson Plan (Final) Students will use content standards, learning targets, objectives, goals, and essential questions to outline and create a lesson plan in an assigned content area. 
Create an assessment (formative and summative) that provides evidence of where the participants would be as it relates to the learning targets and goals. 
Provide planning for students with diverse needs, including class-wide needs and individual student needs. 
Include research-based teacher strategies to present the content. This will also include a time-line (pacing of the lesson), materials needed for the lesson, and use of technology to engage the learners.
Google Educator Level 1 Exam Students will pass the Google Educator Level 1 exam with a 80% or higher score. The Google Educator Level 1 exam is designed to assess the foundational skills and knowledge of educators using Google Workspace for Education tools. It evaluates an educator's ability to integrate Google tools effectively into their teaching practice to enhance learning and productivity. The purpose of the exam is to certify that an educator is proficient in using Google Workspace applications such as Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Classroom, and others. Successful completion of the exam demonstrates that the educator can effectively implement these tools to create engaging, interactive, and collaborative learning environments. #4,5

Weekly Patterns 

The table below displays typical weekly activities, due dates, and activity descriptions.

Due Date* Learning Model Activity Title Description
Early Week Prepare Instructor Lecture (PowerPoint) For many assignments, a PowerPoint presentation helps explain what is expected and how to go about completing the assignment. Where these exist, students will download a template to complete as they watch the video and submit when finished.
Early Week  Prepare Assignments/Worksheets Activity and number of assignments vary according to length and topic. Assignments often have links to videos teaching the concept being learned.
Midweek Prepare

Instructor Lecture (PowerPoint)

For many assignments, a PowerPoint presentation helps explain what is expected and how to go about completing the assignment. Where these exist, students will download a template to complete as they watch the video and submit when finished.
Midweek  Prepare Assignments/Worksheets Activity and number of assignments vary according to length and topic. Assignments often have links to videos teaching the concept being learned.
End of Week Prepare

Instructor Lecture (PowerPoint/Worksheet)

For many assignments, a PowerPoint presentation helps explain what is expected and how to go about completing the assignment. Where these exist, students will download a template to complete as they watch the video and submit when finished.
End of Week Prepare Assignments/Project Pieces Activity and number of assignments vary according to length and topic. Assignments often have links to helpful videos teaching the concept being learned. Some weeks students work on larger projects.
End of Week Teach One Another Discussion Boards Students will be assigned to Professional Learning Community (PLC) groups to work together and discuss topics within their specific area of study. Discussion is meant to bring greater understanding and shared learning.
End of Week Teach One Another Zoom Meeting Students discuss topics they have learned that week, or make gospel connections. They record their meetings and submit a link as a group assignment. Zoom meetings do not occur every week, but are used to enhance specific learning experiences.

*Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.

Learning Model

You will prepare by reading, watching videos, and completing worksheets on particular teaching principles

You will teach one another by meeting together (small group) thorough Zoom to discuss weekly topics and gospel connections to teaching.

You will ponder and prove what you are learning through your assignment worksheets and by completing larger projects at the midterm and final. There are no formal exams.

Rubrics and Answer Keys

Many of your assignments throughout the semester will be graded according to rubrics. Rubrics can be found at the bottom of the page for projects, Zoom meetings, and most lectures, worksheets, and assignments. For discussion boards, however, rubrics are found by selecting the three vertical dots (vertical ellipsis) in the upper right-hand corner of your page. Choose the See Rubric option. The rubric will then be displayed. 

Some assignments do not have associated rubrics because the answers need to be specific. Where there is not a rubric, follow the instructions carefully to be sure you are completing the assignment correctly. 



ED 361 students are expected to develop and display ethical and professional behavior, compliance, communication, and social, emotional, and cognitive presence that reflects the rigors of the profession of teaching. These dispositions will be evaluated as part of the course. In addition, teacher candidates should become familiar with the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators. It is designed to remind everyone that educators serve the schools and the community by providing an opportunity to all students, regardless of their socio-economic status. Our work must emphasize accountability results, high expectations, and achievement for all. 

Contacting Your Instructor

Instructors will inform you of the way they wish to be contacted (text, email, call between these hours, and so on). They are people with lives outside of your class; be courteous and respectful of their time. Any abuse will negatively impact your grade and may result in dismissal from the course and/or University.


There are three due dates in each week. Students are expected to spend two to four hours on the assignments and activities for each due date. Assignments and activities include watching videos, completing worksheets and projects, doing lesson planning and assessments, and meeting together in small groups either through a Discussion Board or on Zoom. All resources are available through the course. There isn't a textbook or formal exam in this course.

Group Work

One of the aims of ED 361 is to help you move from the role of student to that of teacher. Teaching is a rigorous profession with high standards and expectations. This semester you will be given the resources and experiences to help you understand what becoming a professional teacher entails. You have the ability to make that transition, but it requires practice and growth. One of the ways to make that transformation is to learn how to work in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Throughout the semester you will be assigned to work in a PLC group with others in your particular major or area of study. Group work will include discussing class topics, assignments, and/or gospel-focused ideas connecting to course material on a Discussion Board.

As a prospective professional you will be expected to give your best effort and work as you interact with those in your PLC group, even going above the minimum requirements. Take advantage of the opportunity to practice doing professional work so you will be comfortable in other PLC groups in the future.

Sometimes, when being with others in your same major or area of study is less critical, you will be given the opportunity to meet with other classmates on Zoom. Be open to different experiences and perspectives. Make your interaction meaningful for both you and others. Ask questions; seek to learn from others. Treat these meetings with the same professional standard expected in your PLC groups. In order to help you with your schedule, Zoom meetings are not scheduled every week, but take full advantage to meet and be with others in your class whenever this unique learning opportunity is presented.

Late Work

As a sign of professionalism and respect, you should complete your work on time. However, your instructor may decide to accept late work or extend due dates as appropriate. Your instructor has the final say on whether to accept late work, so be sure to contact him or her as soon as you know you may need extra time. Any assignment received after the due date will be counted as late and can only receive up to 60 percent credit. No late work will be accepted after one week past the original due date and time.


If approved by the instructor, work completed in its entirety and turned in on time can be revised and resubmitted. No revisions are allowed on work that is submitted partially complete, late, or on the final lesson plan for the course.

Extra Credit 

Extra credit is not offered in this course. 

Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percent
A 100%93%
A- 92%90%
B+ 89%87%
B 86%83%
B- 82%80%
C+ 79%77%
C 76%73%
C- 72%70%
D+ 69%67%
D 66%63%
D- 62%60%
F 59% and lower

Preventing Sexual Misconduct

BYU-Idaho prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in its education programs or activities. Prohibited sex discrimination includes incidents of sexual harassment (including sexual violence), dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (collectively sexual misconduct).

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office at 1-208-496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Disability Services Office.
This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Disability Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at 1-208-496-9219.

Academic Honesty

“When you are honest in every way, you are able to enjoy peace of mind and maintain self-respect. You build strength of character, which allows you to be of service to God and others. You are trustworthy in the eyes of God and those around you. If you are dishonest in your words or actions, you hurt yourself and often hurt others as well. If you lie, steal, cheat, or neglect to give the full amount of work for your pay, you lose your self-respect. You lose the guidance of the Holy Ghost” (“Honesty,” True to the Faith (2004), 84)

Academic Honesty means students do their own work. This also means their instructors will evaluate that work. Students should not be dishonest—this includes all types of work in their courses. The complete Academic Honestly Policy can be found on their webpage at The Honor Code: Academic Honesty

Academic Grievances

Students are encouraged to contact their instructors regarding course-related concerns. If concerns cannot be resolved in this way, students may contact the BYU-Idaho Support Center to formally register a concern or grievance. More information regarding online grievances can be found at the Student Online Grievance Policy.

Other University Policies

Go to the Student Resources module to review the university policies regarding honesty, online etiquette, communication expectations, and so on.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due