Course Syllabus


B375 is an introduction to the legal environment in which businesses operate as well as an overview of laws impacting business. Topics covered include ethics, legal procedures, intellectual property, contracts, UCC, bankruptcy, antitrust, employment law, employment discrimination, and business organizations.



No prerequisites.

Required Resources

This course uses a free, downloadable, digital PDF textbook. 

Resource Title/Description
(books, software, etc.)
Author/Provider Ed./Vol. 13-Digit ISBN (if applicable)

Business Law, August 2021

(The textbook is free but can only be accessed if you are logged in to your account.)

Hales, Michael 1st n/a
Microphone and Webcam N/A N/A

Make sure to have a microphone and webcam working on your computer for when you take a proctored exam with Proctorio.

Proctored Exams and Assessments

This course will use an online proctoring software called Proctorio. This makes it possible for students to take assessments and exams without a human proctor present. Proctored exams can be accessed like any other exam, once the software has been installed. Exams will be recorded by Proctorio and reviewed by the BYUI Testing Center. Any questionable exams will be forwarded to the instructor for further review.

For step-by-step instructions on Proctorio installation, please refer to this help guide article (Links to an external site.).


Course Outcomes (CO)

  1. Describe the basic principles of the U.S. legal system including sources of law, courts, procedures, jurisdiction, crimes, and torts.
  2. Demonstrate working knowledge of contracts, remedies for breach, the UCC, and employment law.
  3. Apply knowledge of various business entities, including tax and liability considerations, to relevant management and operation objectives.
  4. Apply ethical considerations to common business situations.

Major Assignments

The table below is meant to help you see the relevance of each major assignment as it pertains to the course outcomes (CO).

Major Assignment Description

W03 Exam Unit 1 (Remotely Proctored)

Two-hour test about unit number 1.
W05 Exam Unit 2 (Remotely Proctored) Two-hour test about unit number 2.
W07 Exam Unit 3 (Remotely Proctored) Two-hour test about unit number 3.
W10 Exam Unit 4 (Remotely Proctored)  Two-hour test about unit number 4
W12 Exam Unit 5 (Remotely Proctored)  Two-hour test about unit number 5
W14 Final Exam (Remotely Proctored) Test your knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge to legal situations.

Weekly Patterns

The table below displays typical weekly activities, due dates, and activity descriptions.

Due Date* Learning Model Activity Title Description
Midweek Prepare Chapter Reading Read the textbook chapter content and different examples contained within.
Midweek Prepare Scenario Quiz Apply what you read to a low-stakes quiz and see if your understanding is correct.
Midweek Teach One Another Teach and Share Take what you have read and summarize it. Share your summary in a presentation format for your classmates to see and learn from your own personal observations as well.
End of Week Prepare, Ponder Legal Brief Find and write an Legal Brief based on a case.
End of Week Ponder Exam Complete the exam to demonstrate mastery of unit materials.
End of Week Ponder Appeal Review any missed questions from the exam and file an "appeal" explaining how your question could be right to demonstrate critical thinking.

*Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.

Learning Model

The course utilizes readings that the students have opportunities to practice in the Scenario Quizzes and Teach and Share. Teach and Share has them summarize and reflect on their learning for the week and share that summary with one another. The Scenario Quizzes have them apply what they learned to a situation at no risk and then review with the instructor's video response on how to improve.

Students are able to ponder throughout the course through the legal briefs and exam appeals as well. They need to consider a situation and, after receiving feedback, learn how to improve for the next iteration.



You should expect to spend at least 9 to 12 hours per week. This is a difficult course for most students. Expect to work hard to understand and apply the material.

Late Work

No assignment will be accepted late. For a planned absence, work must be completed and turned in before the deadline. To help compensate for emergencies, students are allowed a "mulligan," which allows two extra days without a reduction in points. Students should notify the instructor before the deadline to exercise the mulligan. If you have a serious emergency that impacts more than one assignment, talk with your instructor about the situation.

Grading Scale

Notice that this course uses a weighted grade structure. You are welcome to use the How do I approximate my assignment scores using the What-If Grades feature? tutorial as needed throughout the semester.

Letter Grade Percent
A 100% 93%
A- 92% 90%
B+ 89% 87%
B 86% 83%
B- 82% 80%
C+ 79% 77%
C 76% 73%
C- 72% 70%
D+ 69% 67%
D 66% 63%
D- 62% 60%
F 59% and lower

 "A" represents extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Services Office at (208) 496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Disability Services Office.

This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Disability Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at (208) 496-9219.

Other University Policies

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please read through the document called University Policies. It gives important information about the following topics:

  • Student Honor
    • Academic Honesty
    • Student Conduct
      • Sexual Harassment
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Complaints and Grievances
  • Copyright Notice

Go to the Student Resources module to review further resources and information.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due