Course Syllabus


Course Syllabus

Note: This course code has changed from AUTO 232 to AUTO 332. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.

Course Description

In this course, students will become familiar with how sensors, actuators, and electronic control units work together to optimize engine performance. They will learn how to use scan tools to become more proficient at testing and diagnosing faults. Students will also reinforce their knowledge of engine condition testing and understanding of fuel, ignition, cooling, and lubrication systems.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to do the following:

  1. Understand the theories and operation of internal combustion engines.
  2. Demonstrate ignition and fuel system diagnostic procedures.
  3. Use engine performance service tools proficiently.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to locate and use correct service procedures.
  5. Develop and practice interpersonal and communication skills with customers and others.
  6. Be prepared to take and pass the ASE A8 - Engine Performance certification exam.
  7. Learn about different careers and the paths that lead to them.


  • AUTO 131
  • AUTO 132

Learning Model Architecture


Students will begin by studying the operations of a system of sensors to learn how the system works. There will also be a reading quiz on what they've learned, followed by an individual test covering a case study involving real-world diagnosis and repair scenarios for the system in question.

Teach One Another

Students will teach one another by taking their group tests and discussing the same case studies together in small study groups. They will then evaluate each others' participation in the study group meeting. This way, students get the benefit of learning from and teaching one another. They will help each other to understand and perform well on group test questions.


Students will prove what they have learned through completing the individual tests, group tests, midterm, and final exam of the course.

Required Materials


Grading Policies

Late Work Policy

Late work is not accepted. However, your instructor may extend deadlines if you experience extenuating circumstances. Contact your instructor to discuss personal or emergency situations.

Grade Calculation

Your grade will be calculated based on the points you earn for all work submitted in the course. The assignment of letter grades follows the standard BYU-I grading scale. Please put forth diligent effort to study hard and learn all you can during your short time in this course.

If you complete the course and demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the material, you will receive a "C." If you complete the course and demonstrate that you are prepared to be successful in the next-level courses, you will earn a "B." If you demonstrate an outstanding and skillful understanding of the course material, provide ample evidence of original thought, and consistently strive to serve other students, you will earn an "A."

The grading system outlined by the university states the following:

  • “A” represents outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. The student demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.
  • “B” represents considerable or significant understanding, application, and incorporation of the material that would prepare a student to be successful in upper-level courses, graduate school, or employment. The student participates in the Learning Model as applied in the course.
  • “C” represents sufficient understanding of subject matter. The student demonstrates minimal initiative to be prepared for class. Sequenced courses could be attempted, but mastering new materials might prove challenging. The student participates only marginally in the Learning Model.
  • “D” represents poor performance and initiative to learn, understand, and apply course materials. Retaking a course or remediation may be necessary to prepare for additional instruction in this subject matter.
  • “F” represents failure in the course.

Zoom Meetings

Each week there will be small study group meetings using Zoom. You will sign up for these groups in Week 02, and you will have the same group throughout the semester. It should only take about 30 minutes to virtually meet with your peers each week. You are required to participate in these meetings in order to complete this course. If you are not able or willing to do this, contact the instructor immediately.


Please refer to the University Policies page for information regarding student honor, academic honesty, dress and grooming, students with disabilities, sexual harassment, complaints and grievances, and copyright.

You have the responsibility to carefully read assigned materials and instructions. Questions should be noted and directed to your instructor. You also have the responsibility to contribute to others’ learning through your participation in discussions.

This syllabus and the course schedule may be changed at any time prior to or during the semester as the need arises. You will be notified by your instructor of any changes and may view them in the course documents.

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

BYU-Pathway Worldwide is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified students with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact Accessibility. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by Student Wellness.

This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered for accommodations and need a transcription for these meetings, please contact Accessibility.

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please click on the links below to learn more about the following policies:

Go to the Student Resources module for further resources and information.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due