Course Syllabus


The purpose of this course is to prepare students to teach parenting classes. It also explores a variety of parent education programs and encourages students to think carefully and critically about parenting materials.


FAML 220 Parenting

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

  1. Become familiar with reputable parent education programs and demonstrate an ability to think critically about the underlying research, theory, and assumptions of each program.
  2. Draw on parent education programs and other reading materials to be able to articulate principles of effective parenting.
  3. Receive hands-on experience participating in the delivery of a parent education program.
  4. Improve teaching skills.


There are two broad categories of assignments in Parent Education—both of which connect to all four Course Learning Outcomes.

Assignment Categories Descriptions CLOs
Teaching Parenting Classes You will prepare and teach a series of nine parenting classes using the Church-approved Strengthening the Family manual. 1, 2, 3, 4
Exploring Parent Education Programs You will read a parenting book and share the contents with a study group using a variety of teaching techniques. 1, 2, 3, 4

Weekly Pattern

There will be regular independent and synchronous group work.

Person at a table. People around a table.

Teaching Parenting Classes

Due: Saturdays at 11:59 p.m. (mountain time)


Exploring Parent Education Programs

Due: Saturdays at 11:59 p.m. (mountain time)

This weekly assignment will be completed independently. Starting with Week 05, you will teach a parenting course to people in your community. You are welcome to schedule your parenting classes for the day and time that works best for you (and for the people who agree to attend).    This weekly assignment will be completed with a study group that you meet with via Zoom. You will select different parenting books to read and will take turns teaching each other, incorporating lectures, discussions, role-plays, fieldwork, research, and review games. 

*Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.


There are distinct—yet complementary—resources for the two parts of the course.

1. Teaching Parenting Classes

For the teaching piece, we will use the parenting handbook approved by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is called Strengthening the Family. The manuals for both you (the teacher) and your students can be accessed from the Church's website. Refer to About Your Books for details.

Title Author Edition 13-Digit ISBN
Strengthening the Family The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1st 281-000004626B

2. Exploring Parent Education Programs

For the exploration piece, we will have each group member read a different book. In other words, you will only need to purchase one of these books—but you won't really know which one until after meeting with your group during Week 02. So, unless you're just really eager to start building your professional library, don't buy any of these yet!

Titles Authors Edition 13-Digit ISBN
Free-Range Kids Lenore Skenazy 1st 978-0470574751
No-Drama Discipline Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson Reprint 978-0345548061
Raising a Secure Child Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, and Bert Powell 1st 978-1462527632
Parenting with Love and Logic Foster Cline and Jim Fay Revised 978-1576839546
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child John Gottman 1st 978-0684838656
The Incredible Years Carolyn Webster-Stratton 1st 978-1895642025

Learning Model

Both the independent and the synchronous group work use the steps and principles of the BYU-Idaho Learning Model.

Pencil and Paper. Talking Bubbles. Thought Bubble.
  • Exercise faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Read parenting books and Church manuals.
  • Lay hold on the word of God.
  • Create lesson plans.
  • Take action.
  • Provide a parenting course in your community.
  • Meet weekly with a study group.
  • Teach by the Spirit.
  • Select lesson materials carefully.
  • Record experiences.
  • Evaluate teaching methods and presentations.
  • Write reflections and reports.


Workload: Expect to spend from 6–8 hours per week doing the assignments for this course.

Group Work: There will be weekly meetings with a study group using Zoom and with a local parent group face-to-face.

Use of AI Programs (Like ChatGPT): Academic Honesty requires that students do their own own work. If an AI program (like ChatGPT) has written your homework submission, it is not your own work--and is, therefore, not in compliance with the Honor Code. Your instructor may give permission for you to have AI check your grammar and spelling, assist you with formatting citations, help you brainstorm ideas for an activity, or provide instructions on how to access online materials or programs. However, under no circumstances should you ask AI to write your lesson plans, summaries, evaluations, or answers on the final exam.

Late Assignments: Late work is not accepted. Communicate directly with your instructor when you have extenuating circumstances.

  • Parenting Classes should be held only once per week. Late work would necessitate a second meeting—or else a very long one, which would be inappropriate. 
  • Study Groups should meet no longer than an hour. Late presentations would require the group to stay longer, which would be a burden on classmates.

Retakes: There is only one exam (the final), and retaking it is not permitted.

Extra Credit: The assignments are largely completion-based, so extra credit is not allowed.

Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percent
A 93%–100%
A- 90%–92%
B+ 87%–89%
B 83%–86%
B- 80%–82%
C+ 77%–79%
C 73%–76%
C- 70%–72%
D+ 67%–69%
D 63%–66%
D- 60%–62%
F 0%–59%

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Services Office at 1-208-496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations (Links to an external site.). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Accessibility Services Office.

This course requires synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Accessibility Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coordinator at 1-208-496-9219.

Accessibility Services Contact Information:

Other University Policies

The Student Resources module has policies regarding honesty, disability services, online etiquette, and communication expectations.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due