Course Syllabus



This course covers small business accounting using QuickBooks software. Topics include creating a chart of accounts, recording customer and vendor transactions, processing payroll, and printing reports. In addition, students will be learning how to set up a new company and advanced topics such as exporting to Excel software and using the QuickBooks audit trail. An in-depth accounting knowledge is not required, but having some accounting background will help considerably.



ACCTG 180 or ACCTG 201 or AGBUS 201 with a grade of C- or higher or consent of the instructor.

Required Resources

This course uses a low-cost, auto-access textbook. Read the information in the Textbook Information module to learn how to access your textbook, and how to opt out of this automatic purchase, if desired.

IMPORTANT: This course requires Labyrinth eLab access to complete the activity and assignments. Please do not opt out of materials for this course. It is necessary for the integration to work properly in the course.

Required Resources
Resource Title and Description
(books, software, and so on)
Author or Provider Ed. or Vol. 13-Digit ISBN (if applicable)
QuickBooks Online, Academic Year 2024–2025
(comes with course; charged the first day of class)
Patricia Hartley 6th


QuickBooks Online Access Intuit N/A N/A


Course Outcomes

  1. Gain an understanding of how QuickBooks runs and operates.
  2. Learn how to setup QuickBooks correctly and maintain it.
  3. Be able to provide useful reports with the information needed to help business owners make knowledgeable financial decisions.

Major Assignments

The table below is meant to help you see the relevance of each major assignment as it pertains to the course outcomes.

Major Assignments
Major Assignment Course Outcome #
Chapter Tests Outcome #1
Apply Your Skills assignments Outcome #2
Reports assignments Outcome #3
Unit Tests Outcome #1, 2, & 3
Final Exams Outcome #1, 2, & 3

Weekly Patterns

The table below displays typical weekly activities, due dates, and activity descriptions. 

Weekly Patterns
Due Date* Learning Model Activity Title
Midweek Prepare Introduction
Midweek Teach One Another Discussion Board
Midweek Prepare Study
Midweek Prepare Chapter Quiz
Midweek Ponder Reinforce Your Skills assignment
End of Week Ponder Apply Your Skills
End of Week Prove Chapter Test

*Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.

Weekly Activity Details and Assignment Progression

Study: Study and complete the first portion of the e-book chapter, stopping when you reach the Self-Assessment page(s). This portion teaches concepts and the Developed Your Skills (DYS) and Tackle the Tasks exercises provide opportunities to practice these concepts. The DYS exercises contain detailed instructions and are to be completed even though there are no assignment submissions.

NOTE: All DYS exercises except those in Chapter 2, will be completed in the test drive company, Craig's Design and Landscape Services (CDLS), via a link in the textbook. The test drive company does not store data so you will need to complete the DYS exercises in one sitting. It is essential that you fully complete all Chapter 2 DYS, Reinforce Your Skills (RYS) and Apply Your Skills (AYS) assignments using the Puppy Luv company file as such will be the basis for Chapters 3–12.

Chapter Quiz: The quiz questions come from the chapter Self-Assessment page(s) located toward the end of each chapter. This quiz is open-e-book, open-personal-notes, and open-QBO; however, you may not work with anyone else or with any search engines. You are allowed unlimited attempts on this quiz and your highest score will be retained.

Reinforce Your Skills (RYS): RYS exercises continue to provide exercise, but with less detailed instructions than the DYS exercises. These assignments require submission and are completed in the student's Puppy Luv Pampered Pooch (PPLP) QBO company file created in Chapter 2. The PPLP company is also referred to as the trial software company.

Apply Your Skills (AYS) exercises: AYS exercises give the ultimate opportunity to apply the concepts learned. The instructions say what to do, but do not give step-by-step directions on how to do it. These assignments require submission and are completed in the student's Puppy Luv Pampered Pooch (PPLP) QBO company file created in Chapter 2. The PPLP company is also referred to as the trial software company.

RYS and AYS Assignment submissions: Assignment links are found in the week's modules. Upon selecting the link, you will see the submission requirements.

There are two possible submission types

  1. Self-Checks RYS & AYS: For each chapter, the completion of all Reinforce Your Skills and Apply Your Skills activities will be graded through a Self-Check Quiz. For each chapter, you will be asked a true (T) or false (F) question where you must report whether you have completed the assignment exercises. There will be no need to submit any files or select external links. Upon answering the Self Check Quiz question, you will immediately receive full credit for the assignment. Make sure to provide accurate responses in the Self Check Quiz to ensure proper credit assessment.

  2. Assignments: RYS & AYS—File submission required. The assignment titles which contain QG, will require a file submission. QG stands for Quick Grader. After submitting the file, the eLab Quick Grader will grade the submission and deliver your score (usually within five minutes) along with an Excel feedback file which you should review to correct any errors in the cast that you did not receive 100%. You have a total of five attempts and the highest grade will be kept. Please do yourself a favor and do not continue to the next assignment until you have received 100%. Otherwise, your mistakes will carry forward and affect future assignments. Also, don't continue on to future assignments with the intent to fix the mistakes later and then resubmit the reports. Those reports will quite possibly include some of the future transactions and therefore will be marked as wrong.  

NOTE: eLab carries the highest score to I-Learn but carries over the date of the latest submission. In other words, make sure your corrections are made and additional attempts submitted before the due date. Otherwise, you will have late deductions on any submissions after the due date even if the highest score came from an on-time submission. 

Chapter Test: These are open e-book, open your personal notes, and open QBO; however, it is not open any other human aside from yourself or any search engines. You are only allowed one attempt on chapter tests.  

Unit Test 1, Unit Test 2, and Final Exam: These are open e-book, open your personal notes, and open QBO; however, it is not open any other human aside from yourself or any search engines. You are only allowed one attempt.  

QuickBooks Certified User (QBCU) Prep Exam: Unlimited attempts and 50-minute time limit for each test.

Learning Model

The course activities follow a weekly cycle of Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder and Prove.

Prepare: Students will prepare by reading the textbook and completing chapter quizzes.

Teach One Another: Students will teach one another through class discussions and answering classmate questions.

Ponder: Students will ponder by completing Reinforce Your Skills and Applying Your Skills assignments.

Prove: Students will prove their knowledge and skills through chapter tests, unit tests, and a final exam. 



You can expect to receive grades and feedback within seven days of the due date for all assignments. However, many assignments are auto-graded with instant feedback. 


The online class guideline is that for every credit hour, you should expect to spend three hours of work per credit. For this two-credit class, you should plan on spending approximately six hours per week. Failure to start working early and diligently continue working on assignments will cause you grief. If you expect to be successful in this course, plan to spend a lot of time on it.

Group Work

You will be working in small asynchronous groups for various activities and discussions.

Late Work

All Reinforce Your Skills, Apply Your Skills, chapter quizzes, reports, chapter tests, Syllabus quiz and unit tests will have the following late penalties applied.

Late Work
One day late 25% off
Two days late 50% off
Three days late 75% off
Four days late or more 100% off

Discussion board and final exams may not be taken late.

Dropped Scores

Reinforce Your Skills: lowest three scores will be dropped
Apply Your Skills: lowest three scores will be dropped
Chapter quizzes: lowest score will be dropped
Reports: lowest score will be dropped

Grading Scale

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Percent
A 100%–93%
A- 92%–90%
B+ 89%–87%
B 86%–83%
B- 82%–80%
C+ 79%–77%
C 76%–73%
C- 72%–70%
D+ 69% – 67%
D 66% – 63%
D- 62%–60%
F 59% and lower

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Services Office at 1-208-496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Accessibility Services Office.

This course may require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Accessibility Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for these meetings, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at 1-208-496-9219.

Other University Policies

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please read through the document called University Policies. It gives important information about the following topics:

  • Student Honor
    • Academic Honesty
    • Student Conduct
      • Sexual harassment
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Complaints and Grievances
  • Copyright Notice

Go to the Student Resources module to review further resources and information.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due