Course Syllabus

Course Description

This course is designed to facilitate practical, theoretical, and critical analyses of conflict and negotiation. This will involve exploring a variety of approaches to conflict, negotiation, and third-party intervention in contexts where conflict management occurs. This course covers three major areas of study: 1) conflict theories, styles, and frameworks; 2) managing conflict through negotiation; and 3) third-party intervention in conflict management.

Course Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:

  1. Understand the role of communication in conflict and conflict management processes.
  2. Analyze the components of conflict that lead to constructive or destructive patterns.
  3. Formulate approaches to conflict management that utilize tactics of principled negotiation and apply insights derived from theories and research.
  4. Engage in a process of inquiry that leads to recommendations for designing effective conflict management processes.

Required Texts

  • Wilmot, W., & Hocker, J. (2022). "Interpersonal Conflict," 11th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN13: 9781260836950. This book is listed as “WH” in the Schedule and course pages.
    • The course materials are available in the Course Materials List
    • Another option for this text is found at
    • You may also use the 9th or 10th edition of the “WH” textbook at your own risk. It is much cheaper and almost all of the content is similar, with older examples and the textbook chapters organized differently. However, the assignments and assessments in this course are based on the 11th edition.
  • The Arbinger Institute (2002). "Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box." Berrett-Koehler. This book is available online for free. You must login with your BYUI credentials to access this book. 
    • IMPORTANT: If you want to purchase your own copy of this textbook instead of accessing it through the library, please be sure you are getting the first, second, or third edition.  The fourth edition of this book changed significantly and will NOT work for this course.
  • Fisher, R., Ury, W., & Patton, B. (2011). "Getting to Yes." New York: Penguin Books. ISBN-13: 9780143118756, e-text ISBN: 9781101539545. Listed as “Yes” in the schedule and course pages.  
    • The course materials are available in the Course Materials List.
    • Any edition of this book will work in this course.

Compare prices for your textbooks through the University Store Price Comparison site. They will show you the options from the University Store, plus several online options, to help you find the best price.

Required Technology

You will submit all assignments in I-Learn.

You will download templates and sample assignments formatted as .doc (Microsoft Office 2010 or 2013) files. You must submit assignments formatted as .doc or .docx files. Contact the Help Desk to purchase a student version of Microsoft Office.

Student Honor

Student Honor is following the path of discipleship and becoming more like Christ by learning to think, feel, and act more like Him.

Living a life of honor requires the following:

  • It begins as we learn and live the baseline standards of the Honor Code, understand the purposes of the Honor Code, and hold true to the promises we have made.
  • It continues as we heed the promptings of the Spirit and raise our personal bar of righteousness and
  • Fosters a spirit of integrity, sacrifice, consecration, love, service, and willing obedience as students and throughout the rest of our lives.
  • It prepares our hearts for devoted discipleship in our family, church, work, and community.

Students are encouraged and expected to live by the principles and policies outlined by the Student Honor Office. As we live the principles of honor at BYU-Idaho, we allow the Spirit into the classroom and into our lives.

Plagiarism (using another’s words or ideas without giving credit) of any kind will not be tolerated.  Any form of plagiarism or any attempt to cheat or deceive will result in a failing grade.

Artificial Intelligence 

In today's ever-changing, technological world, human skills are more important than ever.  Both negotiation and conflict resolution are skills that cannot be duplicated nor replaced by technology.  More than ever, employers are looking for employees with these types of skills.  Families, friendships, and other relationships need those with the ability to solve problems and manage conflicts.  Using artificial intelligence within this class will short-change your own learning both personally and professionally.

Do NOT use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to complete assignments, quizzes, essays, discussion boards, captures, exams, or any other task in the course.   Spellcheck and Grammar check programs are tools that can help improve writing.  These basic tools are permissible to use in the course.  However, do not use composition type programs (such as ChatGPT, Wordtune, Github Copilot, Tensorflow, etc.) that involve inputting a prompt/question and then receiving a substantial response back from the program.  Instructors can identify writing that is not a student's original work, and it can result in a failing grade on the assignment and/or the course.  It also prevents true, deep learning of the material (which will be needed to pass the course exams and apply the information long-term in life). 

Learning Model Architecture

COMM 450 follows the BYUI learning model. This is not an independent study course. It is a collaborative, interactive course with weekly assignments and due dates. It is important that you follow every week's flow and complete each week's activities sequentially. Going out of order may cause you confusion or cause you to miss things.

  • Prepare by reading, viewing, or listening to assigned reference materials.
  • Teach one another by participating in class, group and partner discussions.
  • Ponder & prove by completing captures, assignments, and exams.


Each discussion board has two due dates (initial posts and replies). However, you will only receive one dashboard prompt. Don’t rely solely on your dashboard prompts. Check the Calendar for accurate due dates.

Late Work

Late work is not accepted.  400-level courses are preparation for professional fields and careers.  As such, you will be expected to meet regular deadlines.  However, if you have an extenuating circumstance or an emergency arise, please reach out for your instructor for help.

Grading scale

Percentage Range Letter Grade
93 -100% A
90 - 92% A-
87 - 89% B+
83 - 86% B
80 - 82% B-
77 - 79 % C+
73 - 76% C
70 - 72% C-
67 - 69% D+
63 - 66% D
60 - 62% D-
Below 60% F

When calculating GPA, remember BYU-Idaho does use a weight for A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc 

Graded Components

  • Exams = 40% (2 Exams). Exams for this class will consist of multiple choice questions, true or false questions, short-answer questions, and essay questions. Exams are rigorous and require your best effort to in studying textbooks and taking copious notes. Form study groups to prepare for the exams. Test questions come from the readings, discussions, and assignments.
  • Assignments and Captures = 40%.
    • Students will “capture” chapters from the texts "Interpersonal Conflict" and "Getting to Yes." Captures are written responses to essay questions in assessments. It is recommended that you save your captures in a separate document to help you study for the exams before submitting the captures into the assessment questions. You may also choose to revise your capture based on the discussions and lesson activities before submitting it by the due date.
    • All papers must be typed and double-spaced.
    • There are nine total captures in the course, covering ten chapters of the WH textbook and "Leadership and Self-Deception." In weeks 10 and 11 you will complete some guiding questions for "Getting to Yes" instead of captures. You are allowed to miss two capture assignments.
    • Cases: You will apply your skills to a few cases throughout the semester. Each case involves some deep analysis, and sometimes includes some group collaboration and brainstorming. Be sure to be involved in every portion of those case activities.
  • Discussion Boards = 20%. Discussion boards are graded on content, quality, college-level writing, number of responses, and due dates.
  • Practice Quizzes = 0%. Optional reading quizzes are included in each lesson to help you prepare for the exams. Quiz scores are not graded.


This is an intensive reading course. You are expected to complete the reading assignments before the due date. The other learning activities are useless if you have not completed the reading assignments.

Reading assignments are based on a reading speed of 120 words per minute. Most college students read faster than this. If you cannot complete the reading assignments within the estimated time, you should contact the BYUI Reading Center. The Reading Center helps students who seek to increase their textbook and college reading skills.

Most reading assignments include a corresponding capture assignment. Carefully read the capture description and example.


This course is also very writing intensive.  Upper-level college writing is expected.  Your assignments, papers, and discussion board posts should be carefully re-read before submitting.  They should be organized, clear, and concise.  They should be formatted correctly, titled, dated, free of grammar/spelling errors, labeled with your name, and demonstrate college-level thinking.  If you struggle with writing, contact the BYU-Idaho Writing Center for additional help. 


Throughout the course, there are podcasts that will help you understand the material, complete assignments, and prepare for exams. These are also for you to gain personal insights and help to strengthen your relationships. Take notes and listen to the Spirit as you listen to the podcasts in the course. 


If you need assistance, visit the I-learn help tab (the question mark icon) located on the left-hand side of your screen to contact the appropriate support center.

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office at (208) 496-9210 or visit their website and follow the Steps for Receiving Accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with students and instructors by the Disability Services Office.

This course does not require synchronous meetings. If you are currently registered with the Disability Services Office and need an interpreter or transcriber for something within the class, please contact the deaf and hard of hearing coordinator at (208) 496-9219.

Other University Policies

Student Honor and Other Policies

Please read through the document called University Policies. It gives important information about the following topics:

  • Student Honor
    • Academic Honesty
    • Student Conduct
      • Sexual Harassment
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Complaints and Grievances
  • Copyright Notice

Go to the Student Resources module to review further resources and information.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due