Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus


In this course, students will learn the elements and principles of design and basic color theory used to solve visual design problems.




No prerequisites.


Software (PowerPoint)

Microsoft Office is free for all students at BYU-Idaho through the University Bookstore. Learn how to download Microsoft Office by visiting the Download Microsoft Office page.



Picture This: How Pictures WorkAugust 16, 2016 by Molly Bang. Available as a hardcover, soft cover, or e-book.



You can purchase an ART 107 Supplies Kit from the University Bookstore. The ART 107 Supplies Kit includes the following:

• Art Advantage Acrylic Mars Black 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Cad Rd Lt Hue 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Deep Magenta 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Cad Yel Lt Hue 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Cad Yel Med Hue 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Cerulean Blue 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube
• Art Advantage Acrylic Ultramarine Blue 4 Oz. (120 Ml) Tube

• Princeton Synthetic Sable Brush Round 3
• Princeton Brush 1/2" Wash/Hi-Light
• Princeton Synthetic Sable Brush .25 in. Stroke

• Strathmore Bristol Pad Vellum Finish 300 Series 9x12
• Cardstock Paper Black Singles 8.5X11
• Cardstock Paper White Singles 8.5X11
• Strathmore Tracing Pad 40 Sheets

• Glue Stick Small White
• Knife #1 Carded With Cap
• Art Advantage Blades #11 5/Pk
• Sharpie Marker Black Fine with Upc Sanford
• General Pencil Single No. 2
• Scissors
• 18 in. Cork Stainless Steel Metal Ruler
• Paint cups, 1 oz. 50 count
• Paper towel roll
• Mesh & Vinyl 15 X 18 Inch Bag With Handle & Zipper


Course Outcomes (CO)

  1. Design within the compositional format
  2. Create an even 9-step value scale
  3. Match value to color
  4. Compose with meaning
  5. Develop a high level of craftsmanship
  6. Explore color harmonies

Major Assignments

There are five major projects that you will be working on throughout the semester:

W02: Project 1– Shape & Meaning

W04: Project 2– Value & Rhythm

W06: Project 3– Transparency & Depth

W08: Project 4– Representational, Abstract, and Non-Objective

W13: Project 5– Final Composition Triad


The Design Process must be followed.

Part of the class is to learn about the design process. Each process step must be done to receive credit for the final project. If a completed final project is turned in without completing the process steps, in sequence, it will receive a zero.



No Digital Work.

The work in this class must be done traditionally without digital tools. We will be working with Paint or Cut Paper (depending on assignment instructions). Working traditionally is an opportunity to slow down, learn to see, and be more deliberate in your working process. Work that is done digitally will receive a zero.


Weekly Patterns

The table below displays typical weekly activities, due dates, and activity descriptions. This course has three deadlines a week; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The days and times listed in the table below are in Mountain Time. Please use the Calendar function adjusted to your time zone to see deadlines in your time zone.

Due Date Learning Model Activity Title Description
Tuesdays Teach One Another Master's Study and Critique Analyze an assigned piece and discuss this piece with your peers and instructor. Initial post due Tuesday, follow-up posts due Saturday.
Tuesdays Prepare Principles, Elements, and Concepts Study Content There will usually be a short video and short reading describing the principles being learned during the week.
Tuesdays Teach One Another Peer Feedback

Using a discussion board, you will post a picture of your work in progress and your peers will give you feedback on what is working well, and what you can improve before your final submission.

The turnaround time on this discussion board will be two days. Your initial post will be due on Tuesday and your follow-up posts will be due on Thursday.

Thursdays Prepare Concept Pages Complete the concept pages that will help you practice and apply the concepts being taught.
Saturdays Ponder and Prove Project Submissions Projects are due periodically in the semester. Some will start and finish in one week, while others will span more than one week. The final submission for each of these will be due on Saturday.

*Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.



Plan on spending at least nine hours per week on this class. This estimate is based on a formula that students should spend three to four hours each week for each credit. That translates to 3 credits x 3-4 hours = 9–12 hours.

How will that time be used?

Most of the time will be used in developing and producing projects. There are five major projects. During the development of the projects, there will be a lot of back and forth between you, your instructor, and your peers. A conscious design process is more important than the finished project. The mentality of getting work completed to check it off a list can be a detriment to your learning experience. One reason that we use paint in this class is to slow the process down to give time to think about what you are doing. Concept worksheets will be completed. Each week you will complete worksheets that teach specific concepts and provide visual evidence that you have understood the concept. The visual evidence is to make sure that you can visually apply an idea instead of just talking about it.
Providing feedback to your peers. Each individual in the course is different and has unique experiences. Talking about and assessing the work of your peers provides an opportunity for you to grow and learn in ways that you wouldn’t on your own. There is a lot of repetition in this process, but the repetition will help you solidify your personal understanding.Reading the text. Picture This: How Pictures Work by Molly Bang is a fantastic demonstration of how one artist thinks about making images. Her step-by-step construction of an image provides a clear path to creating your own images. In addition, she covers concepts about how any pictures work and how you can use these concepts in your own image-making.Participating in discussions. This is a part of the course that adds richness to everyone by using the experience and knowledge of 20+ unique and valuable individuals.Thinking and pondering about the world you live in. You will start to notice that the concepts that you are learning in all of your courses help you to see and understand more about the world you live in.

Late Work

No Late Work is Accepted for Peer Discussion Boards.

The discussion boards are time-sensitive and must be addressed within the designated time frame for your peers to use the information to move on to the next step in the assignment. Comments posted after the due date come too late to provide actionable insight and suggestions.

As a sign of professionalism and respect, you should complete your work on time. However, your instructor has the discretion to accept late work or extend due dates as appropriate.


Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percent
A 100%–93%
A- 92%–90%
B+ 89%–87%
B 86%–83%
B- 82%–80%
C+ 79%–77%
C 76%–73%
C- 72%–70%
D+ 69%–67%
D 66%–63%
D- 62%–60%
F 59% and lower

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

BYU-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by BYU-Idaho Disability Services. If you need assistance or feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established policies and procedures.

If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible, preferably before the beginning of the semester, in order to ensure you receive appropriate accommodations.

Accessibility Services Contact Information:

Other University Policies

Visit the Student Resources module to review the university policies regarding honesty, online etiquette, communication expectations, and so forth.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due