Course Syllabus


Note: This course code has changed from CIT 326 to ITM 326. You may occasionally see references to the old course code or title.

This course is for students who have interest in database deployment and management, including the DevOps strategy of infrastructure as code. Students will learn how to manage databases for an organization by keeping them secure, portable, scalable, and recoverable.



Take one of the following course:

  • CIT 111: Introduction to Databases 
  • CIT 225: Database Design & Development 

Required Resources

Much of the class material will be custom written or taken from varied sources and linked in Canvas each week. You do not have to purchase a textbook. The textbook we will be using most is available free online through the library's Safari subscription. Visit the O'Reilly website page for information on how to access the O'Reilly database for textbooks. You must login with your BYUI account or you will only see a sample of each chapter. Always verify you are logged in when you do your readings, because it is not obvious if you are seeing the sample version.

Mobile Option: If you want to be able to access your textbook via mobile, you can use the O'Reilly App PDF Instructions.

Resource Title/Description
(books, software, etc.)
Author/Provider Ed./Vol. 13-Digit ISBN (if applicable)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019: A Beginner's Guide Dusan Petkovic 7th 978-1260458879

Download SQL Server and the required databases for the course from this assignment.

Hardware Requirements

Students are required to have a laptop computer with 4GB RAM and 64-bit processor capable of hyper-threading. The more RAM, the better. 


Course Outcomes 

  1. Analyze common database needs within organizations.
  2. Investigate, select, and implement proper database management system features to arrive at solutions.
  3. Build database environments using various infrastructure configurations such as on-premises, cloud, and infrastructure as code.
  4. Understand and apply key concepts related to database internal metadata, security, performance, automation, backups, and recovery.

Major Assignments

The table below is meant to help you see the relevance of each major assignment as it pertains to the course outcomes.

Major Assignment Description Course Outcome #
Stepping Stone Weekly introduction to and step-by-step implementation of the key database features found in the module. #2,3
Scenario Weekly analysis and application of database features showing understanding and benefit to an organization. #1,2,3,4

Weekly Patterns

The table below displays typical weekly activities, due dates, and activity descriptions. 

Due Date* Learning Model Activity Title Description
Midweek Prepare Review Content Selected materials to provide background and foundational understanding of the weekly topic. 
Midweek Teach One Another Running Buddy Reminder Keep track of your running buddies. You will succeed best as you work together.
Midweek Ponder and Prove Stepping Stone Weekly introduction to and step-by-step implementation of the key database features found in the module.
End of Week Teach One Another Fear-Fighting Forum Take time to share and reflect on what helps you overcome your doubts and fears.
End of Week Ponder and Prove Scenario Weekly analysis and application of database features showing understanding and benefit to an organization.

NOTE: Set your time zone within user preferences so the dates and times for course activities will display correctly for your time zone.

Learning Model

You are encouraged to learn by study and also by faith (D&C 88:118). The three processes of the Learning Model will help you deepen your learning experience.

In this course, the Prepare phase of the Learning Model is delivered through the study material (textbook and other reading materials). The Teach One Another phase is facilitated through group work. The Ponder and Prove phase is measured through the weekly application assignment.

The Five Principles of the learning model is where the student can take personal responsibility and invite the spirit to be part of their study strategies and learning process.



The BYU-Idaho standard for the student workload in courses is about 3–4 hours per week per credit hour (for example, this three-credit course would require approximately 9–12 hours of work per week). Set time aside in your daily schedule to work on the course.

Group Work

Group work in this class is designed to offer support and help, rather than combined grade projects. You will be encouraged to work with your running buddies, though you will always hand in your own work.

BYU-Idaho Vice President, Rob Eaton, came up with the idea of using “running buddies” as a community within the classroom. The idea came after pondering how much more likely he was to arrive at an early morning workout if he’d promised to meet a workout buddy there. In this course, you will have two (or three) running buddies with the intent to support each other and help each other succeed. The goal should be to help your running buddies pass the class and learn as much as possible.

When visiting BYUI, Elder Robert D. Hales talked about the importance of mentoring and being mentored in his talk "Zion Revisited" and challenged BYU-Idaho students to help each other. This is part of what makes us, as a university, different. He said, “Let me give you a challenge. I would like to give you encouragement to be able to share your gifts and talents so that you can tutor, mentor, be in a study group, or participate in the classroom so that after you leave this institution you will willingly give to others by lifting them and strengthening them.”

Late Work

As a sign of professionalism and respect, you should complete your work on time. Assignments submitted late may receive 70% of their point value. Weekly Status Reports will not be accepted late.

Extra Credit

There is an extra credit assignment built into Week 06.

Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percent
A 100%–93%
A- 92%–90%
B+ 89%–87%
B 86%–83%
B- 82%–80%
C+ 79%–77%
C 76%–73%
C- 72%–70%
D+ 69%–67%
D 66%–63%
D- 62%–60%
F 59% and lower

University Policies

Students with Disabilities

BYU-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by BYU-Idaho Disability Services. If you need assistance or feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established policy and procedures.

If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact Disability Services as soon as possible, preferably before the beginning of the semester, in order to ensure you receive appropriate accommodations.

Disability Services Contact Information:

Other University Policies

Go to the Student Resources module to review the university policies regarding honesty, online etiquette, communication expectations, etc.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due