W03 Listening and Speaking

  • Due No due date
  • Points 20
  • Questions 2
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited



Each week, you should spend an hour practicing English listening and speaking skills. This practice will help increase your fluency in these areas. Complete BOTH of the following assignments and report below.

Assignment 1: Speaking Practice (30 minutes)

  1. On your own, find a native English speaker who is willing to meet with you for 30 minutes a week in Weeks 2-13. If you can’t find a native English speaker, pair up with someone in your gathering group, or look for someone else you know who speaks English. It will be easier if you meet with the same person every week.
  2. Set an appointment day, time, and place to meet regularly.
    • You may meet in person, by telephone, or using video tools like Whatsapp, Facetime, Skype, or Zoom.
    • This time should not be during your weekly gathering although it can happen before or after.
  3. Meet with this person for at least thirty minutes at your appointed time and complete the discussion using the discussion outline.
  4. What if...
    • What if my discussion partner does not show up? Do your best to reschedule.
    • What if my discussion partner is unable to reschedule? This should be rare. If it does happen, find someone else to meet with for that week. In these rare cases, you may collaborate with someone from your gathering group to form a trio for that week.
    • What if my discussion partner is in my gathering group, and he or she stops coming? Work to find someone else. In this case, you may choose to complete the semester in a trio of peers from your gathering group.
    • What if I am unable to meet with anyone? You will lose the points for that week. Please don’t let this happen. Work proactively to make and keep your discussion appointment.

How to find an English speaker

Below are some tips that may help you connect with an English speaker who can become your discussion partner.

  • You have already learned a lot of English already! Think of people you have known along the way. This could include the following people:
    • Missionary companions
    • Missionaries who served in your ward or branch
    • Students who have learned English well
    • Other fluent speakers who have helped you get to where you are now.
  • Ask your Church leaders if they know of anyone. Explain that this would be a great opportunity for them to serve.
  • You might be able to find a trusted discussion partner in your social media contacts.
  • Consult the missionaries who support your PathwayConnect gathering. They may be able to help.

Assignment 2: Listening Practice (30 minutes)

Spend 30 minutes this week doing one or more of the following activities. You may combine any of the activities below, as long as they add up to a total of 30 minutes.

  • Watch or listen to past talks in English from General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Watch videos in English from the media library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Listen to a podcast or other audio presentation in English.

Reporting Quiz

  1. Take the quiz to report your completion of Assignment 1 and Assignment 2.
    • You must report by the due date in order to receive credit.
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