Exam 3 (Remotely Proctored)

  • Due Jul 10, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 71
  • Questions 71
  • Available Jul 2, 2021 at 12pm - Jul 10, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 240 Minutes



This exam will be administered using Proctorio remote proctoring. This service requires a computer with a webcam and a Proctorio chrome plug-in/download, but it will allow you to take the exam outside of the testing center.  You have to use Proctorio on this exam for consistency; you cannot take this exam in the testing center (without using Proctorio).  Please see the attached documents for FAQs and detailed information.


Please note that YOU DO NOT NEED A PASSCODE. If you are prompted for an access code, then things are not set up properly.  

If you experience any issues with Proctorio,

STEP 1 is to reach out to Proctorio support

STEP 2 is to reach out to the Remote Proctoring team here at BYU-I.

DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR TROUBLESHOOTING, as I will not have the tools to diagnose and address your problems.  You can contact me if you successfully CONTACT BOTH Proctorio and BYU-I Remote Proctoring.  Therefore, YOU SHOULD TAKE THE EXAM DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS M-F (9-5) SO THAT BYU-I SUPPORT CAN ASSIST YOU IF NEEDED.      

Proctorio Contact (24/7):
Live Chat (via the Chrome the extension)
+1 866 948 9087
+1 480 428 4076

Remote Proctoring Team (Mon-Fri 9-5):
BYU-Idaho Remote Proctoring


Make sure that your face and eyes are visible on the webcam.  If your head and eye movements are flagged extensively and if the remote proctoring team reports a potential academic integrity issue, then I will review the video.  If it is not clear to me what you are looking at, then I will issue an automatic deduction to your exam score.    

Please do not have headphones on or earpods in your ears during the exam.  If you have official disability accomodations that permit music, then you can elect to have music playing and audibly heard on the video. 

During the availability period, any discussion of exam content violates the honor code and negatively affects the academic integrity of BYU-I.  Please be mindful of this, as the value of exam scores, grades, and degrees from BYU-I is very important for everyone who is in any way associated with this great institution.  I aim to safeguard the integrity of this special university, and I have awarded zeros and academic sanctions.   Over the course of my career, some students have destroyed my trust in their character; I have been unable to recommend these students for any position of employment.  I sincerely thank you for working hard for the grades you earn.  -

Brother Skalski      


Exam 3 covers:

  • Ch. 9 Lifespan Development
  • Ch. 10 Motivation and Emotion (although we didn't get to the emotion)
  • Ch. 11 Personality
  • Ch. 12 Social Psychology


    • Ch. 1 Introduction
    • Ch. 2 Psychological Research
    • Ch. 3 Biopsychology
    • Ch. 4 States of Consciousness
    • Ch. 5 Sensation and Perception
    • Ch. 6 Learning
    • Ch. 7 Thinking and Intelligence,
    • Ch. 8 Memory

Please focus on content from our class meetings.  I recommend studying

1) Kahoots... you can search for my username jskalski1

2) Quiz content that is also covered in class

3) Class lecture


Taking an exam can be a stressful experience, and so I wanted to provide a note of research-based encouragement: People think that feeling anxious while taking a test will make them do poorly on the test. However, recent research suggests that arousal does not generally hurt performance on tests and can even help performance. People who feel anxious during a test might actually do better. This means that you should not feel concerned if you do feel anxious while studying for or taking this exam. If you find yourself feeling anxious, simply remind yourself that your arousal could be helping you do well.

Here are a couple of videos about this:

Anxious? Relax, Get Excited! (Links to an external site.)Anxious? Don't Relax, Get Excited!

https://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend (Links to an external site.) 


If you don't do as well as you hoped to please consider:

1) I complete an item analysis and make adjustments or "curve" the exams when justified.  Please be patient, as I will do this after all of the exams have been completed.  This is also an incentive for you to NOT discuss the exam and cheat in this way.  

2) The first exam is only worth about 7% of your overall grade, the second exam is worth 9%, the third exam is worth 11%, and the final exam is worth 13%

3) ALL of your exams will combine for 40% of your overall grade and some assignments are relatively easy.

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